

Breathlessness Treatment in Delhi

What is Breathlessness?

Breathlessness is a ‘subjective feeling’ of not able to breathe well.

Also called as Shortness of Breath Or Dyspnea

If you are struggling to breathe, you may say you are feeling breathless. That means:

  • You are having a hard time in breathing
  • You feel like you cannot get adequate air
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Do you struggle to breathe when:

  • Performing Daily activities
  • Moving from one room to another
  • Climbing Stairs

Dyspnea or Breathlessness can be:

  • Acute (suddenly) or Chronic (over a period of time).
  • Resting or On Exertion
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Breathlessness is a normal symptom especially if you are overweight and performing heavy exercises or you are unfit BUT is pathological if breathlessness occurs during resting or during BREATHLESSNESS light exertion. Medical Attention is required in case of severe breathlessness, as it may be due to a serious underlying problem..

In Most of the cases it is due to Pulmonary or Cardiac Disorders:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Pneumonia
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Long term oxygen Therapy
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Cardiac Ischemia
  • Anxiety and Panic Disorder

The best treatment to remove shortness of breath typically depends on the underlying cause.

Why Breathlessness occurs? When the demand of oxygen is increased, breathing becomes faster to increase the flow of oxygen into the lungs.

Anxiety – Dyspnea cycle

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Measuring Breathlessness

Management of Breathlessness depends on the patient’s perception through the following standardized grades or scale in different situations or activities of daily living.

I. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
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II. Modified Medical Research Dyspnea (MMRC) Scale.
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III. Modified Borg Dyspnea Scale
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MANAGING Breathlessness

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When you feel breathlessness in day-to-day life, manage your shortness of breath using few positons and breath pacing techniques as guided by your Pulmonary Rehab specialist.

Your Pulmonary Rehab specialist will guide you for what to be done in case of severe breathlessness?

Preventing Breathlessness in Long Term

You will need to find the underlying cause and try to address it if possible.

  • 1. Follow the medications as guided by your doctor. Breathlessness
  • 2. Don't smoke or Quit Smoking
  • 3. Maintain Healthy Weight
  • 4. Regular Exercises includes Strength and Endurance Training
  • 5. Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Special Education and Exercise program for people who have pulmonary disorders with controlled, paced and breath control techniques.
  • 6. Respiratory Muscle Training - To increase the strength and endurance of Inspiratory and Expiratory muscles.

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