- Obstructive Sleep Apnea is largely Worldwide Underdiagnosed Epidemic (prevalence similar to Diabetes ), 85% have not been diagnosed.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea is More than 100 million suffer from Sleep Apnea worldwide. HIGHEST Prevalence in INDIA with 50 million population.
Symptoms of OSA:
The cardinal symptoms of OSA are Loud snoring and Excessive daytime sleepiness. Symptoms of OSA could be at nighttime and/or during the day.
Risk Factors:
The following factors increases the risk of developing OSA
- Obesity
- Age Group: 45 - 60 years old.
- Gender: Males : Females = 2:1; After menopause Male and Female prevalence is equal.
- High Blood Pressure
- Family History of OSA: 2 X higher due to shared anatomical features, similar lifestyles or common environment.
- Nasal Congestion: Cold, Sinus Infection or Flu.
- Smoking: 3X higher than non-smokers or people who quit.
- Facial Abnormalities: Lower Jaw / Short Neck/ Large Tongue/ Large Tonsils.
- Neck Circumference: >17” (Males) & > 16” (Females)
Consequences of Untreated Sleep Apnea:
Sleep Apnea does not only affect your sleep and your daily lifestyle affect but your spouse sleep also. It can life-threatening when left untreated.
Sleep Apnea is related to:
OSA and Life Expectancy:
Inverse Relations
- Sleep apnea associated with lower life expectancy.
- OSA can shorten your life from anywhere between 12-15 years if left untreated.
Evaluation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA):
- Sleep Study or Polysomnography
The only test to detect OSA
- Patient History and Questionnaire
Screening tool for OSA