
Respiratory Muscle Training

Respiratory Muscle Training in Delhi

Respiratory Muscle Training

  • Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT)
  • Expiratory Muscle Training (EMT)

Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) is a technique that targets the muscles of inspiration with the aim of increasing inspiratory muscle Strength and Endurance.

  • Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) is a standard component of a Pulmonary Rehabilitation program.
  • dr-deepali-narula

    Muscles of Inspiration

    • A. Principal Muscles: Diaphragm , External Intercostal.
    • B. Accessory Muscles: Sternocleidomastoid , Scalene (Anterior/ Middle/Posterior), Serratus Anterior, Pectoralis Major and Minor, Upper Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Erector Spinae (thoracic), Quadratus Lumborum.

    Muscles of Expiration

    • A. External Intercostal
    • B. Abdominals


    IMT is effective and indicated in the patients having:

    • COPD                     Asthma
    • Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)                     Bronchiectasis
    • Diaphragm Dysfunction/Paralysis
    • Thorax Deformations (Kyphoscoliosis)
    • In Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
    • In patients with Inspiratory Muscle Weakness and a Ventilatory Limitation to Exercise.
    • Pre- and Post-Operative Thorax Interventions (Lung Transplantation, Coronary Bypass surgery)
    • Neuromuscular Diseases (DMD, SMA, MS, MND)
    • Competitive Athletes (Endurance Sports)

    BENEFITS of Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT)

    Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) has shown to:

    • Improve Strength, Endurance and Capacity of the respiratory muscles
    • potentially positive effect on symptoms
    • Increase Exercise Capacity
    • Reduce Breathlessness
    • Improve Quality of Life
    • Decrease the use of health services


    to increase the STRENGTH and ENDURANCE of INSPIRATORY as well as EXPIRATORY muscles

    Inspiratory Muscles Trainer

    Expiratory Muscles Trainer

    Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscles Trainer

    Respifit- S

    An Individual Device used to:

    • Assessing the strength and endurance of Inspiratory Muscle
    • Strength and Endurance Training of Inspiratory muscles

    Measure of Inspiratory Muscle strength and Endurance:

    1. Maximum Inspiratory Pressure / Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PImax)

    • An Important and Non-Invasive index of Diaphragm Strength
    • Inspiratory muscle weakness defined as PImax < 60cm H2O or < 50 % predicted.

    2. Minute Ventilation

    • Training volume per minute

    3. T(lim) Assessment

    • Time to exhaustion of the respiratory pump against a variable inspiratory resistance.


    Numerous clinical studies have shown that IMT improves respiratory muscle function leading to an increase in exercise capacity, a decrease in perception of dyspnea, decrease use of health services and hospitalization and an overall improvement in quality of life.

    • The effects of 1 Year of Specific Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients with COPD. Beckermann, Weiner et al. Chest (2005) 128:3177-3182

    • Inspiratory Muscle Training in pulmonary rehabilitation program in COPD patients. Magadle R, Weiner P et al. Respir Med. 2007 Jul;101(7):1500-5

    • Inspiratory muscle training in patients with bronchial asthma. Weiner et al. Chest 1992; 102: 1357–1361.

    • Inspiratory muscle training in patients with COPD: effect on dyspnea, exercise performance, and quality of life. Sánchez Riera et al. Chest 2001; 120: 748–756.

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