

Snoring Treatment

What is SNORING ….?

SNORING is the hoarse or harsh sound usually occurs when breathing is partially obstructed during sleep.

Snoring is:

  • Disruptive to your own sleep or your bed partner’s sleep.
  • a source of friction between partners.


Reason of Snoring…

    Relaxation of Throat and Airway muscles

    Narrowing of the airways

    Airways collapse

    Partial/Complete Obstruction of Airways

    Partial Obstruction of Airways

    Gush of Air during breathing

    Vibration of soft tissues at the back of the throat

    Audible Sound


    Complete Obstruction of Airways

    >10 seconds

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

    Characteristic symptom

    Loud Snoring

SNORING is Dangerous… Save the SNORER !!!

SNORING: Surprising facts

  • Many snorers do not know that they snore (41%).
  • 50% of snorers suffer from sleep disorder specially OSA.
  • Almost Every House, there is a SNORER.
  • Snoring is the 3rd leading cause of divorce in the US.

Causes of Snoring

Causes of Snoring

Snoring not ONLY affects your sleep but all other systems of your body

1. Weak Upper Airway Muscles (like Throat, Soft Palate and Tongue muscles)
2. Overweight - Accumulation of fat around their neck
3. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - in which the soft tissue at the back of throat completely blocks the airflow for about 10 s or longer during sleep.
4. Mouth Anatomy - Long and Thick Soft Palate , Large Tongue, Enlarged Tonsils, Short Neck etc
5. Nasal Congestion or blockage due to deviated septum or nasal polyps, colds or allergies
6. Alcohol, Sedatives and certain Medications – causes relaxation of your body and throat muscles.
7. Smoking
8. Lack of sleep – due to over relaxation of your throat muscles.
9. Sleep position – sleeping on the back

Say NO to Snoring

The Good News is you can solve snoring issues along with preventing all the health problems associated with it by making some positive lifestyle changes as well as following the exercise program specially curated for snorers.

There are multiple factors that contributes to snoring.

The Novel Treatment


Scientifically Proven, Evidence-based, Individualized Exercise program

The Program is customised as per your requirements.

For any sleep related query

Call Now 9711400777