

There are diff types of PSG , depending on the number of signals we assess in the test at night. The choice of the type of test depends on the main complaints- is it snoring and choking and a high chance of OSA- then a type 3 ( limited channel testing) is also ok, but for those with suspected parasomnia, narcolepsy, pLMD etc a l type 1 study will be required.

Once you're diagnosed with sleep apnea, your treating physician will advise PAP devices according to your reports. So we would advise to consult a sleep specialist doctor.

It depends what are the main symptoms- CPAP improves snoring, daytime sleepiness, blood pressure and blood sugar control . However, insomnia, RLS etc are not improved by CPAP alone. So your doctor will have to re -evaluate and decide the appropriate treatment for your other complaints

the bIPAP is a better device, but it is required for a specific set of people and not everyone needs to use a BIPAP. So please consult your doctor to decide which device is most appropriate for you.

Obstructive sleep apnea has a very strong relationship with all types of heart disease. It has been proven by research that 30 - 40% of patients with high blood pressure have OSA and 60- 80% of patients with difficult to control hypertension have OSA. Patients with irregular heart beat (AF) have a high chance of coexistence of sleep apnea.Presence of sleep apnea can cause AF and also interfere with treatment of AF. Last untreated OSA is a risk factor of heart attack . Thus keeping all this in mind the cardiologist has advised you for a sleep study .

The frequent need to urinate at night is called nocturia. The number of times you visit the bathroom may be a sign you have OSA-Obstructive Sleep Apnea.Most people without nocturia can sleep for 6 to 8 hours without having to visit the bathroom. It is believe that one event per night is within normal limits; two or more events per night may be associated with daytime tiredness.Patients with severe nocturia may get up five or six times during the night to go to the bathroom.During the apneic events (pause & breathing) a hormone called atrial natriuretic peptide is secreted. This causes an increased desire to urinate at night. Thus OSA can be a cause of your frequent trips to the washroom.

Yes, there are other other options. However the indications differ for all . The measures are:

  • Weight Mangement: Weight loss helps to improve or eliminate patient's sleep apnea symptoms if they are overweight or obese.
  • Exercise: The idea is to strengthen the targeted facial muscles used to chew and swallow.
  • Positional Therapy: Positional therapy may involve wearing a special device around your waist or back, this will help you in sleeping on your side
  • Oral Devices: Prevent the airway from collapsing by holding the tongue in position or by sliding the patient's jaw forward so patients can breathe while they sleep
  • Surgery: is also an option to reduce or eliminate the extra tissue in the throat that collapses and blocks the airway during sleep. This involves a soft palate, uvula and tongue.
  • Lifestyle modification: Quit smoking and avoid intake of alcohol, sedatives, caffeine and sleeping pills.

his causes an increased desire to urinate at night. Thus OSA can be a cause of your frequent trips to the washroom.

  • Sleep restriction: By restricting the opportunity for sleep , a greater sleep pressure (the drive to sleep) is accumulated which consequently increases sleep efficiency.
  • Stimulus Control: Aims to break the association between the sleeping environment and wakefulness that develops with insomnia and poor sleep habits.
  • Sleep Hygiene: encompasses optimal lifestyle and environmental factors for sleep. Some lifestyle factors include having a fixed bedtime and wake up time, avoiding night-time alcohol, nicotine and caffeine prior to bed. Relaxation activities pre-bedtime are targeted in sleep hygiene education.knowledge and to avail discounts on tests, devices etc. CBT-i is a primary treatment of choice for treating insomnia and increases sleep quality. However it requires regular reinforcement and consistency.

his causes an increased desire to urinate at night. Thus OSA can be a cause of your frequent trips to the washroom.

  • Avoid daytime sleep on that day.
  • Avoid Stimulants (Tea/Coffee) after 4pm.
  • Remain Active during the day.
  • Spend time outdoors.

No, All those who Snore may not have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.However, this can be confirmed only by the Overnight Sleep Test.Those who have persistent/loud snoring with choking/gasping at night with tired/fatigue during the day are likely to have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. To Confirm -One must get the Overnight Sleep Study/Polysomnography.

Appropriate PAP Treatment improves sleep in about 66% of patients. However 34% are still sleepy even after using the PAP.To help them it is important to identify the exact cause. Firstly is the adequate duration of sleep at night if the required amount is 8 hours and patient sleep for 6-7 hours this will result in daytime sleepiness. Secondly the issues with CPAP such as Choked Filter, Inadequate Pressure, Mask Leakage etc it will continue to cause Daytime Sleepiness. Thirdly Coexisting Sleep Disorder such as Narcolepsy (Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness.),increased leg movement in sleep etc can result in excessive sleep. Lastly- Medications or other Medical/Psychological conditions can be an important factor in causing sleepiness in patients.